Hunting Fun and Tests
We have always hunted dove and quail with our labs, but since we live in the desert it's a bit of a challenge to find water for ducks and geese. We are members of the Copper State Hunting Retriever Club and are just getting our feet (and paws) wet and learning about hunt tests and field trials and all this fun stuff.
Max and Latte - dove hunting 2006

Latte's first pheasant hunt results 03/2007

The 12-08-07 NAHRA Started Retriever test
What a great day for Latte and Jeff - no ribbons yet - but boy, did they have fun!
Getting ready!

Setting up and land retrieve -

Water retrieves

Latte's first duck!

AKC Hunt Test - 09Feb08

Latte's AKC Junior Hunter Run 07 Feb 09 - 1st leg toward her JH title
Way to go Latte and Jeff

Tabitha even had a chance to get in the act with Ms. T's Tio - (

A moment later the stevedore appeared on deck leading by a leash one of the most handsome dogs ever seen in Maryland. He was jet-black, sturdy in his front quarters, sleek and powerful in his hind, with a face so intelligent that it seemed he might speak at any moment.
His movements were quick, his dark eyes following every development nearby, yet his disposition appeared so equable he seemed always about to smile.
“He’s called a Labrador Retriever, ‘Lightfoot said. ‘Finest huntin’ dog ever developed”
James Michener – From his novel Chesapeake